Synapse X - injector for Roblox

Synapse X - injector for Roblox

Synapse X is an advanced program-injector for embedding a cheat in such a popular game as Roblox. It has a wide range of features that change the course of the game.

  • Script Injection;
  • Ability to edit the game space;
  • Using standard programming languages;
  • Creating your own game objects;
  • Change the game interface.
The app uses a nice, smooth interface. It all looks like a small window on top of other apps. For convenience, there is a side menu for moving between the tabs of the functionality and control buttons, such as: clear code, inject, save or open a file.

How to use:
  1. Download the Synapse X Roblox injector;
  2. Download ready-made scripts (optional);
  3. Open the game and the app;
  4. Insert the script code in the window for programming the cheat;
  5. Inject a cheat;
  6. Enjoy the game.

All functions of the injector for Roblox cheats:
This application has a big advantage over others – security. The exploits of this application are updated within an hour, unlike other programs, where the update occurs only once a day. This will mean that your account will not be blocked for using cheats.
  • It works on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the operating system;
  • The ability to both create and use third-party scripts;
  • Create custom objects;
  • Embedding a cheat during gameplay;
  • Editing the world is visible to all players;
  • Has frequently updated databases;
  • Does not affect the network connection.

What modes does it work in?
Cheats work seamlessly in all game modes! So do not think about this question, the programmers have done their job, you can only enjoy it.
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Comments 54

  1. YourManOffline12 June 2021 11:32
    Quote: Vanced
    Virus does not harm the computer, it is necessary for the program to work.
    1. VancedOffline12 June 2021 13:34
      The injector works for everyone, no one complained that it caused damage to the computer. 
      Do not visit this site if you do not like something.
  2. devinpaafrom806Offline24 May 2021 23:22
    its saying it cannot be found in my files
  3. guillaume7576Offline19 May 2021 19:20
    what is the password?

    1. VancedOffline20 May 2021 10:09
      1. RasulnatorOffline2 August 2021 04:37
        how do i open it
  4. rekid101Offline16 May 2021 07:52
    so idk what to rename it when i rename it exe it says "this file cannot run on this device" plz help
  5. germanyOffline15 May 2021 17:24

    it says i need a code but wich code?
    1. joselini_2010Offline12 June 2021 12:28
      123 É A SENHA
    2. awadeowo4kOffline11 August 2021 01:38
      la contraseña es 123, y ya es todo
  6. mr.malixOffline3 April 2021 07:48
    nah i wont download it has the wrd api witch is a virus do not download just buy it
    1. VancedOffline10 May 2021 20:58
      Virus does not harm the computer, it is necessary for the program to work.
    2. awadeowo4kOffline11 August 2021 01:41
      amigo, es una app que básicamente modifica el código del juego, obviamente tu dispositivo lo detecta como virus, el de todos nos detecta como virus